Friday, February 29, 2008

first assingment

I started some place to be flying by Charles de lint
its got an interesting story and it takes place in a city, theres some drama, secrets to be revealed and the main character is a girl, her name is lily, a photojournalists. this book is interesting but i think i can find a better one , so I am .


Anonymous said...

Emilio we were going to read the same book. Yeah its interesting. Hope you find another book.

EmilioC. said...

I borrowed it to get a grade men!
either way i didn't like any of the books on the list!!

Alexis Sainz said...

It sounds like a chick book but alright.

pam said...

i think it souds like a good book but mine sounds better i am doing heart of darkness!!
P.S. T.Q.M.

Jessica C. =D said...

Emilio me and alma have decide that u need to get a new template porke como k esta muy aburrido ese!!