Friday, March 28, 2008

third assingment

my book is a theory thats been going around for along time , but i don't know exactly for how long ,
the actual story of the book is got a very unique style and is very good but i have also seen alot of the same patterns in other stories i read

this book is a very good mystery and suspense novel ,the way the story develops is very interesting and has many twists and surprises along the way , good characters turning bad ,running away from police, and killing and searching for a great secret ,and seeing how all of that could be somehow be possible it gives you something to think about and its a big controversy.

all the stories follow a lot of the same patterns and i think that they all use kind of the same format to write but they twist it around to make it their own that is why there always seems like movies and books all sound alike, people have different styles and ways of interpreting a story thats what makes it different.

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