Friday, April 4, 2008

fifth assingment

the project of my novel :religious history has been tampered with and could partially be a lie.

the main conflict in my novel is character vs society , brown I think used this as his main conflict because the society the characters are against is the church,which is followed by millions of religious believers, so that caused a lot of controversy even before his novel.

the main conflict contributes to the project of The Davinci Code , because it shows a side of the church people have never seen , also it gives reasons of why it would not be in the church's interest if this theory were to be true, and it explains the theory so well that it actually makes sense and it makes sense why the church would react the way it reacts in the story even though all they do to keep this big secret of the royal blood line from going public is all against what the church enforces on people like not killing not lying which is the big one and others.all the symbols also contribute to the project of this novel because all the symbols shown actually exists and they use them well to get suspense and make you think.

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