Friday, April 4, 2008

fifth assingment

the project of my novel :religious history has been tampered with and could partially be a lie.

the main conflict in my novel is character vs society , brown I think used this as his main conflict because the society the characters are against is the church,which is followed by millions of religious believers, so that caused a lot of controversy even before his novel.

the main conflict contributes to the project of The Davinci Code , because it shows a side of the church people have never seen , also it gives reasons of why it would not be in the church's interest if this theory were to be true, and it explains the theory so well that it actually makes sense and it makes sense why the church would react the way it reacts in the story even though all they do to keep this big secret of the royal blood line from going public is all against what the church enforces on people like not killing not lying which is the big one and others.all the symbols also contribute to the project of this novel because all the symbols shown actually exists and they use them well to get suspense and make you think.

Friday, March 28, 2008

fourth assignment

3 elements in the book The Davinci Code , first the story is full of symbols,and langdon is a person who works translating symbols , in the beginning they show langdon giving a conference about symbols ,in which symbols like the symbol for peace in other countries is seen a an Antichrist symbol because it symbolizes a Christ upside down, also there appears the symbol planted in the chest of neveus grandfather , which is a a five point star which here we would see as a demonic sing but in the story langdon finds that it actually stands for a female goddess.metaphors in this story are also abundant like the line mentioned by one of the religious servants that "All hell will break lose if the secret is found out" this is a metaphor because hell will not actually break lose fire will not be popping out of the streets ect. it can not be literally applied it just means people may act upset .an allegory , to me this whole story is an allegory because since allegory means a story poem or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning usually a moral , political , or a message,tis is a story in which two characters are brought together to figure out a secret that people have been killing over for, and at the end they find it .the symbols create suspense and wonder, the metaphors make you think and the allegory keeps you hooked to the story.

the project for my book , i found i think several, but the main one is history has been tampered with , and could be partially a lie.

fourth assingment

third assingment

my book is a theory thats been going around for along time , but i don't know exactly for how long ,
the actual story of the book is got a very unique style and is very good but i have also seen alot of the same patterns in other stories i read

this book is a very good mystery and suspense novel ,the way the story develops is very interesting and has many twists and surprises along the way , good characters turning bad ,running away from police, and killing and searching for a great secret ,and seeing how all of that could be somehow be possible it gives you something to think about and its a big controversy.

all the stories follow a lot of the same patterns and i think that they all use kind of the same format to write but they twist it around to make it their own that is why there always seems like movies and books all sound alike, people have different styles and ways of interpreting a story thats what makes it different.

Friday, March 7, 2008

second assingment

The Davinci Code

1)the main character in my book i think is the girl that helps langond excape from the museum, i think this because she was the granddaughter of the old man who got killed and as the book goes on she finds out that the secret her grandfather had kept , had a lot more to do with her than anyone else, and that secret was the one who got her grand father killed.she appears to be very smart and sneaky in her first appearance in the book she tricks one of the bad guys to get Landgon out of the Louvre , and she succeeds.and the main characters name is not known in the first forty pages of the book.

2)the professor Landgon in the book is a very smart individual and he can solve puzzles and solve codes and symbols ,he knows a lot about history and he is well known by many people.I personally don't like history that much but i find it interesting once in while, and i not very good in solving riddles and reading symbols but i think its cool.

3)if i was the main character i probably be really confused about the whole situation, and i also would start thinking about the past ,because apparently something was happening as she was being raised by her grand father.the things i would see is a lot of people freaking out and i would smell something fishy was going on, and i would fell kind of intrigued to solve the mystery and find out what is the big secret everyone is killing themselves over.

Friday, February 29, 2008

first assingment

I started some place to be flying by Charles de lint
its got an interesting story and it takes place in a city, theres some drama, secrets to be revealed and the main character is a girl, her name is lily, a photojournalists. this book is interesting but i think i can find a better one , so I am .